Sunday, March 4, 2012 in

How I Make Money Online

  I make money with two methods.The first is Link Selling and the second is Affiliate Marketing.In this post I will tell you exactly what i do.
  I make a blog or multiple blogs,and then i try to collect as many backlinks as i can to gain page rank at those blogs.I must get at least Page Rank 1.Then i put some keywords to these blogs so as to sell links on those keywords.I will tell you how to find these keywords.After i have earned some money from link selling, i go to another site where i can buy backlinks for my own blog.I buy backlinks either to increase my blog's page rank and then sell again links for higher price,or to increase page rank and get free traffic from search engines like google and sell my affiliate products.
  Me personally,I've created several blogs where i sell links,and then i invest all the money i earn from link selling to get backlinks for 3 blogs where i sell my affiliate products,and that's where the big money is.In those 3 blogs i never sell links as it can decrease their page rank.Sorry that i forgot to mention this before but if a blog contains links to other sites then it loses page rank.For that reason i prefer not to sell a lot of links to one blog.In the next post i will tell you all the steps you must follow to make money online,including all the links of necessary sites,even though it will decrease this blog's page rank.

*Sorry for my English,but i am from Greece and i don't even have a degree in English language,i hope you show some understanding.

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